About Us

Amplify are experts in funding and cash flow management. We will provide you with the funding solutions and plans to support your goals and aspirations. No more concerns about making it to payday or financing the next project because we're here with you.


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About Amplify

Amplify is more than a finance broker, it's a growing community of brave and ambitious business owners, Mavericks, Guardians, and Dynamos.

As a team, we are growing (let us know if you'd like to join us).We thought you'd appreciate hearing from Russell Green, the Business Alchemist and our Founder as to his WHY which runs through everything the Amplify team does.

So here goes...
My why takes me back to being 10 or 11, playing cards at the weekends with my grandparents, starting with a small stack of coins, a tub of salted peanuts and a child's desire to turn the stack of coins into as many football sticker packs as possible. That initially turned me into wanting to be an accountant (after all, they count our money), but studying tax at university was far too dry, so Risk Management and working in the Canary Wharf tower beckoned instead.After living the high life (literally), a move into a private equity-backed company put me on the road to wanting to run my own business after being told the office I worked in was relocating to Manchester, and I either had to come to or be made redundant.

The following 6 months were crazy; hiring for a new team in the North whilst doing the day job in a team where everyone else was being made redundant was one of the most challenging times ever. Lesson learnt: ask for help as no one offers it! So why set up Amplify? Because too many business owners need more knowledge about how finance and funding can help them reach their goals and aspirations if set up correctly. With the growth of the alternative finance space, there is no longer the excuse that you can't raise funding.

You need to look in the right places! Funding and cash flow are just the beginning, though; having a trusted network of companies that share our values is where the real value of Amplify is seen. From re-branding to managing your personal wealth, you can Amplify your business and life.